(Cycle 2024-2025)

Membership Fees 2024/2025

Admission Fee (non-refundable) – N$ 200.00
Full Member (Ordinary Member) – N$ 4830.00
Spouse 25% (Full/Extraordinary member only) – N$ 3620.00
Young Members 50% (under 30) – N$ 2415.00
Extraordinary Member – N$ 4830.00
Sponsoring Member – N$ 2570.00
Pensioner (Ordinary/Extraordinary only) – N$ 1490.00
Hunting Assistant – N$ 350.00
Camp Attendant – N$ 350.00
Other Fees: Tribunal Appeal Fees – N$ 200.00

Down payment options are available. Please contact the NAPHA Office.

Please Note:

– Fees include 15% VAT.
– The membership cycle runs from 1 September to 31 August annually.
– Your application is subject to approval by the Executive Committee of NAPHA.
– NAPHA’s right of refusal or reason/disclosure of non-acceptance of the membership application
is reserved.
– As per clause 6.1.1 of the NAPHA Constitution:
“The change from one form of membership to another is possible on application and
effective with the approval of the Executive Committee and the payment of a possible
difference in membership fees. No differences in membership fees will be
– Please familiarize yourself with the NAPHA Constitution including the NAPHA Code of
Conduct (please contact the NAPHA Office to obtain a copy)


Members of the Namibia Professional Hunting Association NAPHA will abide to the following:

  1. To respect all the Laws and Regulations governing the Republic of Namibia.
  2. To show and demonstrate respect for all Fauna and Flora, the environment and the non-hunting and hunting public.
  3. To act responsibly towards all landowners and/or holders and their employees and treat them fairly at all times.
  4. To act responsibly and with courtesy towards all clients, agents and officials and live up to the promises made.
  5. To maintain honesty and integrity at all times.
  6. To take all precautions to ensure the safety of clients, employees and anybody else involved during a hunt.
  7. To promote and demonstrate responsible management practices to ensure the sustainable use of the resource base and to maintain bio-diversity.
  8. To practice the principals of fair chase as defined by the Code of Sport Hunting Conduct for Africa.
  9. To exercise professionalism at all times in all aspects of the hunting profession.
  10. To always ensure internationally acceptable humane practices in the utilization of wildlife.

Principals of FAIR CHASE are defined by the African Code of Hunting Ethics:

  1. The pursuit of free wild animals, possessing the natural behavioral inclination to escape from a hunter, and be fully free to do so.
  2. Wild animals are not to be hunted with an artificial light source or other similar technical equipment. A motorized mode of transport may not be used to chase the said animal.
  3. No ethical hunter, while hunting, shall willfully disturb or take visibly pregnant females or females with dependent young.
  4. A wild animal should exist as a naturally interacting individual of a wild sustainable population located in an area that meets both spatial and temporal requirements of the population of which that individual is a member.
  5. Wild animals should be hunted sustainably within an ecological functional system.

The above fair chase principals exclude practices known as “put and take” as well as any form of manipulated “canned hunt”.

I hereby declare that:

1. I have read the Code of Conduct and fully understand its contents of it.
2. I acknowledge the Constitution as being binding by virtue of my signature.
3. All information provided herein is true and correct

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
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