Admission Fee (non-refundable) – N$ 200.00
Full Member (Ordinary Member) – N$ 4830.00
Spouse 25% (Full/Extraordinary member only) – N$ 3620.00
Young Members 50% (under 30) – N$ 2415.00
Extraordinary Member – N$ 4830.00
Sponsoring Member – N$ 2570.00
Pensioner (Ordinary/Extraordinary only) – N$ 1490.00
Hunting Assistant – N$ 350.00
Camp Attendant – N$ 350.00
Other Fees: Tribunal Appeal Fees – N$ 200.00
Down payment options are available. Please contact the NAPHA Office.
– Fees include 15% VAT.
– The membership cycle runs from 1 September to 31 August annually.
– Your application is subject to approval by the Executive Committee of NAPHA.
– NAPHA’s right of refusal or reason/disclosure of non-acceptance of the membership application
is reserved.
– As per clause 6.1.1 of the NAPHA Constitution:
“The change from one form of membership to another is possible on application and
effective with the approval of the Executive Committee and the payment of a possible
difference in membership fees. No differences in membership fees will be
– Please familiarize yourself with the NAPHA Constitution including the NAPHA Code of
Conduct (please contact the NAPHA Office to obtain a copy)
Members of the Namibia Professional Hunting Association NAPHA will abide to the following:
Principals of FAIR CHASE are defined by the African Code of Hunting Ethics:
The above fair chase principals exclude practices known as “put and take” as well as any form of manipulated “canned hunt”.
I hereby declare that:
1. I have read the Code of Conduct and fully understand its contents of it.
2. I acknowledge the Constitution as being binding by virtue of my signature.
3. All information provided herein is true and correct