The ART Medal System

Medals are available following your safari at the NAPHA office in Windhoek. Your hunting professional must supply the trophy measurements, the date on which the hunt took place, the farm where the hunt took place, the name of the professional hunter who guided the hunt and the permit number.

Medals can also be purchased retroactively for trophies taken in Namibia in years gone by, on submitting the trophy measurements, the date on which the hunt took place, the farm where the hunt took place, the name of the professional hunter who guided the hunt and the and permit number.

A part of the money generated by NAPHA medals sales is used to help finance the Hunter Support Education Program. The sales also support the organisation financially, so we can keep representing ethical and sustainable hunting. NAPHA hunting medals are a symbol of recognition and honour for hunters who have demonstrated exceptional skills, knowledge, and ethical practices in their hunting endeavours.

The Age Related Trophy Measurement System (ART) is the recording standard for the NAPHA medals system. 

The ART Measurement System aims at creating incentives to hunt truly old animals past their prime and to discourage the hunting of immature animals altogether. It furthermore aims to underline the attraction and charisma of the often worn hunting memorabilia of old animals.

The Game Field Medal

The prestigious Game Fields Medal is to reward the hunting client for harvesting a exceptionally large trophy of past prime status. It is crucial for the hunters of the future that the hunters of today preserve strong gene pools by harvesting trophies that are past their prime – thereby ensuring superior genetics for future generations.

The Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal

The Gold, Silver and Bronze medals, together with the appropriate certificate, are obtainable for mature trophies that qualify.

The Conservation Medal

Trophies that do not qualify for the other medals due to trophies worn down by old age, deformities, or for species such as Zebra, Baboon etc. qualify for the Conservation Medal minted in “Old Silver”.

List of the minimum measurements:

Minimum measurements for NAPHA ART medals.pdf

The Medal Prices

As of 01 September 2016, all medals are sold in NAD.  Please view the price list here.

Medal NAD
Game Field Medal 950.00
Gold Medal 900.00
Silver Medal 800.00
Bronze Medal 750.00
Conservation Medal 750.00
Certificate only 110.00
Postage on request

Sustainable Trophy Hunting is Applied Conservation

Namibia is one of the leading countries in Africa in terms of Nature Conservation. The number of animals as well as their diversity has doubled since the nineteen-sixties (1960’s). 70 to 80 percent of all wild animals in Namibia are found on private land – this is largely credited to the trophy hunting industry.

NAPHA’s intent is to ensure and promote ethical conduct, sustainable utilization of natural resources, and to secure the industry for current and future generations.

Status of different wildlife species in Namibia


Indigenous – where the species occurred naturally without any human intervention. This refers to the species’ actual distribution, not the countries where it occurs. For example, Waterbuck and Lechwe are indigenous to the wetland systems of NE Namibia – they are not indigenous to the whole of Namibia. Similarly, Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra are indigenous to the western escarpment and central plateau of Namibia, not to the Kalahari.

Endemic – where an indigenous species has a naturally restricted range. Thus, a Namibian endemic means that the species occurs naturally only in Namibia. We thus have a special responsibility for its conservation. A Southern African endemic means that the natural global distribution of a species is confined to south of the Kunene and Zambezi Rivers.

Near-endemic – where about 80% of the natural range of a species is confined to the specified area. For example, the Damara Dikdik is a near-endemic to Namibia, with just a small part of its range extending into south-west Angola.

Exotic – where a species originates from another part of the world and has never occurred naturally in Namibia, e.g. Nyala, Blesbok, Black Wildebeest.

Peripheral – where a species just enters the very edge of Namibia, with most of its distribution occurring elsewhere, e.g. Puku, with a tiny population on the Chobe floodplains but most of its population in Zambia.

Conservation Status – IUCN global conservation assessment (see – not the Namibian status); and the CITES Appendix status.

Download the full listing here.    

Huntable Species

The fundamental purpose of the Namibia Professional Hunting Association (NAPHA) is to enhance and maintain, by effective management, an organizational infrastructure that can serve professional hunting members, clients, and other interest groups. Our intent is to ensure and promote ethical conduct, and sustainable utilization of natural resources and to secure the industry for current and future generations.


Odd-toed Ungulates:

Even-toed Ungulates:


African Elephant
loxodonta africana

African bush elephants are the largest living terrestrial animals, being up to 3.96 m tall at the shoulders.

The most characteristic features of African elephants are their very large ears, which they use to radiate excess heat, and their trunk, an extension of the upper lip and nose with two opposing extensions at its end.

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